DMACC offers a study abroad program every spring semester in London, England. For students interested in classes beginning late January 2023, applications must be turned in by November 17, 2022.
The ten-week program will start with two weeks at Ankeny’s campus and transition to eight weeks living and learning in London. This gives students a new experience outside of their usual home environment. Adventuring in a new city with classes integrating the setting, including being able to utilize sources in London, can help them with assignments and broaden their interests.
Many people are excited about the trip. From students to the teachers that will be leading the trip, this lets them experience life and culture in another country.
Professor Bethany Sweeney is the coordinator of DMACC’s study abroad program, and this will be her second year teaching in London.
As a student, Sweeney was so close to attending school abroad but ended up transferring colleges and studying abroad did not work out for her. She felt remorse after losing the opportunity but jumped at the opportunity to teach for DMACC abroad in the spring of 2020. “I just thought that sounded like an amazing opportunity to travel, to introduce students … to new places, new cultures,” Sweeney said.
“The class I am most excited to teach is the Major British Writers course because I plan on covering King Authur themes, exploring traditional and new retellings of his legends,” Sweeney said.
Yosan Fanuel, a first-year student at DMACC, has been thinking about trying out the studying abroad program. Fanuel said, “I’ve always wanted to travel to different places, see new things, meet new people, and learn about different cultures, but at the same time I don’t know how to fully go about it.”
“This could be a once in lifetime opportunity, if you feel like you have the chance to then take a leap of faith and try it out,” said Fanuel.
My Nhu Bui, another first-year student at DMACC, was influenced to apply because of her previous experiences with international travel. She said, “I remember watching study abroad trips blogs from people in Japan, Canada, Nigeria, among other places, and it inspired me to do something cool like that. I would also like to make some friends from different nationalities.”
One of the DMACC instructors that will be teaching in London in 2023 is Professor Aimee Langager. This would be her first time teaching abroad, but it is not her first time visiting London. In 2015, Langager and her husband visited London’s countryside and she enjoyed her time spent there.
Langager said, “I love the variety of what we might see and do in London. It will be cool to have a class in a café, pub, park, or museum.”
There are a variety of courses to select from for the Spring 2023 trip. Classes will be held at the Taylor house in central London, and students have Fridays free for adventuring locally or around Europe.
Bui said, “I want to go to SOHO and try all the small business restaurants because I know there are a variety of unique cuisines that aren’t recognized here in Iowa. I also want to experience the underground tunnel railroad from England to France, vice versa, and take a chance to explore around West Europe in hopes to meet many small communities.”
Sweeney recommends the required British Life and Culture course. She said, “We think it’s so important for students to learn about the place that they’re visiting … this is the only class co-taught by DMACC instructors and a British instructor.”
“Students will be provided with free Underground and bus transportation. For the most part, they will be on their own. This allows students to experience the country on their own, learning the way of life within the country,” said Langager.
London has a lot of opportunities for students including theater, food, and shopping. “Everything you can imagine all in one place. Getting a chance to explore that can help people kind of figure out, ‘Okay, what environment is the kind of environment that most excites me?’ … and helps students explore their interests and really think critically about their future goals,” Sweeney said.
Some students may worry about funding for the trip, fortunately, there are many resources available to assist them. There are many grants and scholarship opportunities for students to utilize. Many students also try to pick up extra hours at their job before the trip, having the time off of school, or starting a GoFundMe.
We wish the best for the DMACC teachers and students on their upcoming trip. If you are curious and want to learn more about studying abroad in London, there are a few more information sessions before the application deadline.
Photos courtesy of DMACC Study Abroad.
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